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Showing posts with label T. Show all posts

Test object

ISTQB Glossary definition explained in simple english with examples based on real experience for the testing term “Test Object ”.

ISTQB Glossary definition

The component or system to be tested. See also test item.

In Simple English, this means

The system under test

QA Practitioner’s notes for real work experience in this field

  • This can be a software system or a hardware system or a combination of both.
  • Most times systems are very big and the scope of testing is defined by the project as testing a particular sub - module of the system. In such case, the sub-module will be the test object not the entire system.
  • This is important when you start  logging bugs as some of the bugs might span the boundaries of the system under test to other modules of the larger solution or enterprise. 

Now, Let’s see one or more example cases to understand this even better:

Example: 1
Say you are tasing the new changes to a website that accepts credit card payments for the goods and services. There is no change to the payment module which processes the card transactions. Hence, only the web site is considered as test objet. The card processing module is expected to work as earlier.

Note: This does not mean that if you find a bug outside the system that is currently under test, you will not report it. You still will report it.

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test objective

A reason or purpose for designing and executing a test.

This is the reason that the test is executed for.

Test performance indicator

ISTQB Glossary definition In Simple English, Field Notes For "Test performance indicator"

ISTQB Glossary definition defines "Test performance indicator" as

A high level metric of effectiveness and/or efficiency used to guide and control progressive test development, e.g. Defect Detection Percentage (DDP).

In Simple English,
A metric to represent how useful the progress achieved in the project is to achive the business objective.

QA Practitioner’s notes for ream work experience in this field

  • Remember 
  • There  is not a fixed metric that every project uses. What metric a project chooses to use is their choice. It is based on some analysis or just personal preference of the key people. 
  • What ever the metric, how ever it is chosen, it is very important that the team and people asking for the report agree on what the definition of the metric is, how it is calculated and when and how it will be shared. 

Now, Let’s see one or more example cases to understand this even better:

Say, how

So, what do you think?
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Did you get what you were searching for?

If you have any more questions, comments or compliments please let me know as your comments below.

test set

See test suite.

test specification

A document that consists of a test design specification, test case specification and/or test procedure specification.

test situation

See test condition.

test session

An uninterrupted period of time spent in executing tests. In exploratory testing, each test session is focused on a charter, but testers can also explore new opportunities or issues during a session. The tester creates and executes test cases on the fly and records their progress. See also exploratory testing.

test script

Commonly used to refer to a test procedure specification, especially an automated one.

test schedule

A list of activities, tasks or events of the test process, identifying their intended start and finish dates and/or times, and interdependencies.

test scenario

See test procedure specification.

test run log

See test log.

test rig

See test environment.

test result

See result.

test requirement

See test condition.

test reproducibility

An ribute of a test indicating whether the same results are produced each time the test is executed.

test report

See test summary report and test progress report.

test recording

See test logging.

test record

See test log.

test progress report

A document summarizing testing activities and results, produced at regular intervals, to report progress of testing activities against a baseline (such as the original test plan) and to communicate risks and alternatives requiring a decision to management.

test process improver

A person implementing improvements in the test process based on a test improvement plan.